Start fast
Unlimited models and seats let you start quickly, using easy-to-find data to see impacts and iterate.
We offer unlimited models to help you boost your performance.
Arima MMM empowers you to deliver better results, faster.
Unlimited models and seats let you start quickly, using easy-to-find data to see impacts and iterate.
Break free from slow third party model iterations with Arima’s no-code MMM platform.
Gain expert guidance from the Arima team at every step for a smooth implementation.
Know your media mix performance and take the next steps with our unique features.
Instant Predictions: Get immediate sales forecasts for any ad scenario.
Adjustable Sliders: Fine-tune forecasts to test different strategies risk-free.
Smart Allocation: Automatically distribute your budget for optimal impact.
Dynamic Adjustments: Adjust in real-time for the best performance across channels.
Ranked Insights: Identify top-performing channel combinations.
Optimize Budget: Focus on high-impact synergies and avoid conflicts.
Advertising | Location Intelligence & MMM
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