How a Leading CPG Company Enhanced MMM and Media Planning with Arima

T.S. Kelly
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How a leading consumer packaged-good company evolved their marketing mix modelling outputs and media planning strategies with Arima

A leading Global CPG marketer with multiple well-established brands under its umbrella partnered with Arima to better understand the impact of their marketing activity on in-store sales. To deliver these insights Arima deployed it’s high-speed Marketing Mix Model platform.

MMM Objectives:

The Approach & Result

Arima analyzed two years of sales data and media spend across both online and offline media channels to establish a correlation between all in-market media activity and revenue.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS was allocated and reported by channel. In the chart below two important metrics are provided; historical ROAS (orange bars) and marginal ROAS (blue line).

ROAS looks backwards and shows how much revenue was generated for each dollar invested in the channel.

Marginal ROAS looks forward and defines how much revenue each additional dollar spent in the channel would generate. Please note, marginal ROAS details include a declining return on investment curve (not shown) as media become less effective as more budget is allocated to that channel. 


As performance of each media channel is reported, the marketer can see that
search marketing (SEM) and Pinterest had the highest ROAS


Waterfall of Contributing Factors Affecting Sales

Marketing mix models evaluate both internal and external factors that contribute to a brand’s sales. The Arima platform provides flexibility to ensure significant market factors that affect your brand are taken into consideration.

For the marketer in this case study, factors incorporated in the Marketing Mix Model included:
Competitive activity
Major market events (lockdowns etc.)
In-store promotions
Sister brand activity
Paid and owned media channels
Base brand sales; what sales would be if the brand did nothing

The model shows the contribution of each marketing activity in-market and reveals a degree of cannibalization between sister brands

Forecasting Sales with a Live MMM

Within the platform the CPG marketer could also view sales forecasts for the upcoming quarters to conduct multiple ‘what if’ performance scenarios by adjusting spend allocations by media channel.

This easy to use sales forecast tool allows marketers to use learnings from previous analysis to explore multiple spend scenarios before investing.


As shown, SEM and Pinterest spend have been increased based on insights
derived from the related ROAS and Waterfall views of the data (prior tables)


Making MMM Forecasts Actionable in Media Planning

Finally, we used Arima’s audience builder function to define a segment “Consumed product past 30 days – YES,” along with media allocations suggested by the MMM optimizer. Within this adjacent tool the marketer could view and compare detailed KPI projections including:

Campaign Impressions
Campaign Reach and Frequency
Total Campaign CPM

The outcome analysis is not based on the advertiser’s spend, rather it compares two fictional campaign scenarios with the same media spend and audience but varying media allocations.

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The output of the media planning tool suggests that an increase in sales of 2.4%
can be achieved with a channel reallocation. However, this reallocation will result
in reduced impressions, reach and campaign frequency and a higher campaign
CPM. This helps the advertiser manage multiple KPIs while keeping a focus on
primary vs secondary metrics.

About Arima

Arima is North America's most advanced marketing platform, combining live market mix modeling, consumer insights discovery, and media planning tools into one source.

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The Synthetic Society by Arima enables a ‘privacy by design’ data fusion for marketers and agencies. Our suite of tools allows hundreds of organizations to unlock the power of marketing data science in easier and more affordable ways.

Contact us or book a demo to learn more. 



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